How is CAM Assist different from Feature-Based Machining? 

While feature-based machining can identify specific features on a part and allow you to create macros for those features, CAM Assist is an AI designed to handle the entire component. 

Instead of merely recognizing features and relying on a template library you’ve built, CAM Assist determines the best toolpaths and strategies based on all the elements of the component. It understands the part holistically. 

CAM Assist is an AI that comprehends the physics and rules of CNC machining, operates effectively right out of the box, and receives monthly updates with new capabilities, enabling it to program more components with faster cycle times and greater process robustness. 

In contrast, Feature-Based Machining is not AI and lacks an understanding of CNC machining. Building an effective macro database can take over a year, and most factories using Feature-Based Machining employ full-time technicians to continually expand this database. 

Feature-Based Machining can be, at times, inflexible and difficult to set up. It excels in major manufacturing operations producing large families of similar components but is rarely used in subcontract machining. 

CAM Assist requires no setup and minimal training, integrating directly into your existing CAM package. It also offers powerful additional features, including instant cycle time estimation, instant fixture generation, and instant feed and speed optimization.