The Mastercam Lathe Stock Preview function inside of the Lathe module is a great way to display the machined stock, chuck, tailstock, and steady rest boundaries as either solids or surfaces. To use this function, stock must be defined for the job.
To access the Mastercam Lathe Stock Preview, right click in the operations manager and then select the function.
Use the buttons in the middle of the dialog to scroll through each operation in the machine group to view the in-process stock and the location of each peripheral at each stage of machining. If the “keep geometry” option is selected, choose OK to save the displayed solids or surfaces in your Mastercam file.
Tip: If you would like to save the geometry, consider using the Levels Manager to activate a different level before entering this function. Then, when you exit this dialog, the geometry will be saved to the new level. You can save the stock model at each different stage, in its own level.
Note: This feature is not available in Lathe Entry.
If you have any questions with regards to the Mastercam Lathe Stock Preview function and how it may improve your Mastercam experience, please contact your customer solutions representative.
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