Requesting Post-Processor Changes

At In-House Solutions, our post-processors are supported by a knowledgeable team of developers who are ready to work with you to customize your post to your particular needs. Here is the information that our post team needs from you to ensure the post runs without issues and is edit-free code. 1. You need to send a…
Have a New CNC Machine and need a New Post? A post-processor is a critical step for any CAD-CAM process. The post file converts the generic toolpath information into an NC code (G-code) format that a specific CNC machine can understand. Our product is being constantly developed to provide users with more customizable options for safe…
DO YOU KNOW THAT A SETUP SHEET IS INCLUDED WITH YOUR IKE POST PROCESSOR? Starting with IKE Version 9, all the IKE Post Processors come with a free of charge Setup Sheet. The Setup Sheet is automatically created when a file is posted. It is created as an HTML file and it is located in the…