Verisurf Analysis can analyze measured data to any CAD model. It does this by instantly and effectively analyzing the part tolerance by comparing measured points to nominal features. Whether you want to analyze points-to-points, points-to-curves, points-to-surfaces or points-to-meshes, it can quickly generate deviation reports.
Identify deviation and tolerance conditions between measured parts and nominal CAD in a Windows-standard graphical interface.
Verisurf Analysis features a powerful, flexible and fully-controllable 6-DOF best-fit to find the optimal tolerance condition for a set of measurements. Best-fitting uses a rapid, iterative least-squares solution to align measurements to the model, producing minimum analysis deviations without regard to a datum alignment.
Verisurf Analysis provides an intuitive and efficient way to analyze inspection data and examine, compare and report deviation results. This advanced tool employs comprehensive, model-based rules to simplify even complex tasks like composite tolerance analysis.
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Canada’s leading manufacturing solutions provider since 1988: Software, Post Processors, Quality Control, Professional & Technical Services, Education & Training.
6-425 Hespeler Rd.
Suite 114
Cambridge, Ontario
Canada N1R 8J6