Verisurf Build, also known as the Virtual Gage, is the industry-leading tool for real-time inspection and assembly. It provides any portable 3D measuring device with a common metrology platform and removes hard tooling while producing accurate, feasible manufacturing for quality control.
Verisurf Build displays the probe as it moves across the part to inspect it in relation to the CAD model. With Build’s live, intuitive interface, the user can simply measure any errors in the manufactured part after a fast alignment to the CAD model. During inspection, you will be able to see part-to-model deviations, coordinates and assigned ID’s all in real-time.
Multiple tolerances and feature types, such as surfaces, lines, arcs, etc., can be set in a virtual assembly. After those are set, an arrow indicator and deviation readout then guide you through the build process all in real-time. There is also an option to enhance visibility using colour, graphics, and other features.
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Canada’s leading manufacturing solutions provider since 1988: Software, Post Processors, Quality Control, Professional & Technical Services, Education & Training.
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Suite 114
Cambridge, Ontario
Canada N1R 8J6