Cannot Find Parasolid Data in SOLIDWORKS File

In this video we’ll show you what to do when the “Cannot Find Parasolid Data” error occurs.

Note: At any point that (version) is present, enter/insert/reference the version of Matercam in question.
ie. A path states as ‘C:\Program Files\mcam(version)\common’
If you are working in Mastercam X8, the path will be ‘C:\Program Files\mcamX8/common’

Issue: When attempting to open a SolidWorks file (sldprt) in Mastercam, the error “Cannot find Parasolid data in SolidWorks file” is produced.

Fix 1: Make sure the latest update is installed for both Mastercam and SolidWorks.

Fix 2: You have to unregister the component as Admin, and then re-register it as Admin.

SwDocumentMgr.dll – Register through Advanced Configuration.

1. Start
2. All Apps
3. Mastercam (version)
4. Advanced Configuration

5. Components
Browse to C:\Program Files\mcam(version)\common\SWORKSDATA\SwDocumentMgr.dll.
6. Right click over SwDocumentMgr.dll and go to Unregister component.
7. Then right click over SwDocumentMgr.dll and go to Register component.

Fix 3: SwDocumentMgr.dll – Register manually.

  1. Search “cmd”.
  2. Right click and Run as administrator.

3. Type: cd C:\program files.

4. Type: regsvr32.exe mcam(version)\common\sworksdata\swdocumentmgr.dll.

Fix 4: Replace PSLDDATA folder with newer if available.
– C:\Program Files\mcam(version)\common
– Be sure to backup old folder
ie. the X9 PSLDDATA can be copied to X8.

Fix 5: Go to the following folder: C:\Program Files\mcam(version)\common\SWORKSDATA and back up the two .dll files within this folder. The files should be SwDocumentMgr.dll & zlib.dll.
Replace with newer versions if available.
ie. the X9 dll can be copied to X8.