Note: At any point that (version) is present, enter/insert/reference the version of Mastercam in question.
ie. A path states as ‘C:\Program Files\mcam(version)\common’
Many custom tools are available for download as .DXF files from a supplier’s website.
Open Mastercam Tool Manager

(Start>All Programs>Mastercam(version)>Tool Manager)

Select the tool library this tool will be stored in.
Tool libraries have the extension of .tooldb. The default location for these files is
C:\Users\Public\Documents\shared mcam(version)\mill\Tools\
From the New Milling toolbox, select Custom Tool.

Import and link to custom geometry from a file

Select the .DXF file of the desired custom tool.
Make adjustments to the tool’s geometric parameters as needed. Then select Next.

Make adjustments to the tool’s Operation / General parameters as needed. Then select Finish.