Why our Pro Services customers continue to come back for more, despite our hourly rate

Our prospective Professional Services customers, sometimes struggle with the price. The quick math on our hourly rate clearly shows that we are a multiple of what shops would typically pay for a full time CNC Machinist. So why do our existing Pro Services customers continue to come back for more? Hundreds and hundreds of hours more? It’s quite simple.  

Yes, we are CNC Machining experts. Yes, we are Mastercam experts. But that alone does not warrant repeatedly spending up for our services.  

Our Pro Services customers are busy. They are busy quoting and winnings jobs. They are busy interacting with machine tool suppliers and tooling suppliers. They are busy stressing about supply chain issues. They are certainly busy working to keep the day-to-day going.  

There is a lot to worry about. But if business is good and there are orders to fulfill, removing the worry of CNC Programming and CNC Machining is well worth our hourly rate. It’s an easy decision, because on good sized orders the customer just needs the parts to be machined properly and on time. They don’t have the time to properly worry about it. They don’t have hours and hours every week to recruit new CNC Machining employees, and then train and onboard those employees, all while trying to get parts machined and out the door. So, if In-House Solutions can remove that worry and can be called upon when needed to execute projects that your current team doesn’t have time to do, it’s very easy to justify the hourly rate.  

It should be noted that it’s not for everyone and that’s OK. If your shop is not busy. If you are not winning longer term contracts with good margin, then maybe it’s difficult to justify bringing us in to program and machine a 1-off part. But that’s why the core of our business is focused around supplying you and training you on solutions like Mastercam, so that you can do it effectively yourself! 

P.S. – our hourly rate is actually quite reasonable. You might be pleasantly surprised. Contact us here.