Mastercam Port Expert

Mastercam Port Expert specializes in multi-axis programming for port work. This Add-On creates accurate, porting toolpaths on port surface or solid data. It minimizes unnecessary motion at the machine, which results in a highly efficient toolpath with superior finish quality. It can also be used for any tube-type work that is similar in design to a port.


The Port Expert add-on has the functionality to check for collisions between the tool and workpiece. It does this by tilting the tool piece automatically to avoid collisions while keeping the tool motion still working efficiently.


There are multiple cutting options available with Mastercam Port Expert. You can cut only the top; cut only the bottom; or the entire port, including specifying how much stock to leave. First, you choose or define your tool shape. Next, you select the port surface(s) and cut pattern, and then set clearances for any part of the tool or holder.


The Port Expert toolpaths use 3-axis machining as far into the port as possible, and then convert automatically to 5-axis motion with minimum tilt. This leaves no fishtails or inefficient reverse moves, and smoothly transitions where the toolpaths meet at the middle of the port.

Frequently asked questions

What is Port Expert?

Port Expert is a Mastercam add-on dedicated to generating niche toolpath strategies required for cylinder head ports, complex tubes, or even deep pockets.

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