Post Update – Advanced

Are you updating from an older version of Mastercam and are not sure how to bring your older post files into the current version? If you have specific files to update, let us show you how!

Navigate to the Shared Mastercam folder that contains the files you want to update

From the CNC_MACHINES folder Copy both the Control and Machine Definition

Right click on your desktop icon and click Open in new window

Create a New Folder on your desktop that matches the version of the files you want to update

Paste your files into the newly created folder

From the machine type > Posts folder Copy both the .pst and .psb
*older posts may use only a .pst file

Paste your files into the newly created folder

If you open the .pst with a text viewer you can double check the version V21.00 = 2019, V22.00 = 2020, V23.00 = 2021 etc.

Create a New Folder on your desktop that matches the version of the files you want to update to

Open the version of Mastercam you want to update your files to and click File, Convert, and select the Migration Wizard

Choose Advanced

Select Migrate shared Mastercam files

Click Browse to select you Source folder

Select the folder you created on your desktop that holds the files you need to migrate

Repeat this step for the Destination folder picking the empty folder that you created

Once your source and destination files are correctly defined, click Next

By default, all file types are selected, click Next

You can update files up to three version back – If your files are from an earlier version you will have to update them multiple times. Click Next

Click Finish, to run the Migration Wizard

Once complete you will be prompted to see the results of the migration – Click No

Navigate to the previously empty folder you created on your desktop – It will now contain your updated files

If you open the .pst with a text viewer you can double check the version V21.00 = 2019, V22.00 = 2020, V23.00 = 2021 etc.

You can now place these files in their new location within the Shared Folder of the version they were updated to.

Default Locations
All Control & Machine Definitions:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Mastercam 2021\CNC_MACHINES
Mill post files go here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Mastercam 2021\mill\Posts
Lathe post files go here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Mastercam 2021\lathe\Posts
Router post files go here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Mastercam 2021\router\Posts